The selection of Silver Lining is gathering works facing off visual art, experimental cinema and video-performance.
This edition IV will take place all week-end together with LaVallée initiated by :
Parsifal Marin-Voinov, Voin Voinov-Marin and Nicky Miller.
Each guest artist invited to the Silver Lining are questioning the limits of the image and sound.
PROGRAM and screenings :
Gio Black Peter (US) : "Communion" 02'33mins, "Flip Flopping" 04'20 min,
"Piece of shit" 00:02 mins, "Revolving Door" 03: 07 mins, "Box" 02'55mins.
Pedro Maia (Portugal) : "Arise" (Zona) 35mm Col. No sound 10'00 min.
"Vessel: "Drowned in water and light" super 8 music video 05'16min."Svreca : Sleepless" music video 16mm 06'07min."Super 8" Series #1 : 02'30min.
Hector Acuna aka Frau Diamanda (Peru) :
" Profundidad de Campo" 0''28 mins, "Suktion 014" 02'09 min.
Dario Jurilli (Italy) : "Dimmi Cosa Vedi" (Tell me what you see) super8 and 35mm. 26'26 min.
Giuseppe Boccassini (Germany - Italy)
"Obscene"- 09 : 57 min, mute.
Hans Sofiati (Germany) : "Intimacy #5"
Android phone 11:00 min.
Gio Black Peter, Pedro Maia, Frau Diamanda, Hans Sofiati, Guiseppe Bocassini
La Vallée 47 rue du choeur 1000 Brussels
SILVER LINING IV presents at LaVallée a new edition 2015.
Together with LaVallée and Smart
opening : 3Rd april friday 6PM -22pm +Guest Gio Black Peter
+ djset Rick Shiver
open doors : 4th and 5th april sathurday 2pm-19pm
ending : 5th april sunday 18pm- 22pm
18.h.screening of OKEAN-by Tamara Drakulic