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Listening to the Soul: A Painting Exhibition by Gabriel Lavoie



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Wednesday, 15 November 2023 to Monday, 15 January 2024
Wednesday, 15 November 2023 - 6:00pm

Listening to the Soul, an international online solo painting exhibition by Gabriel Lavoie opens on November 15 and will continue for two months until January 15, 2024.

Gabriel Lavoie, the Canadian painting artist believes art is a source for inspiration, vision, and walking dreams. She sees that art allows human beings to bring out their soul-qualities. When studying and analyzing his different paintings, people talk about them with images of their own, which reflect their personal experience. Thus, each symbol takes on meaning that is true and significant for each individual.

Visit this unique exhibition and walk into Gabriel's world at

Artist ( Description ): 

SYMBOLIC, VISIONARY AND PORTRAITIST Gabriel Lavoie, born March 22nd 1956 in Temiscouata (Quebec, Canada), is a self-taught artist. Always given to raise its art to more the high summit, Gabriell reinvents it continuously while inspiring the other artists to be made in the same way. Its multiple artistic experiments open the paths of the revival to him. Moreover, something of timeless emanates from its works. With such a predestined name and a visionary, spiritual approach, the artist Gabriell is, without a doubt, a new reference in the world of symbolic painting. From one canvas to another, his works reflect his spiritual journey. For him, everything we paint expresses what we are. Gabriell uses art (painting) to manifest and communicate the Light that is in him. He sincerely believes that art allows human beings to manifest the qualities of their soul. Living modestly and humbly in Quebec, Gabriell grew up in the Lanaudière region. From his infancy, his drawing talents surprised everyone with their quality which seemed to come so naturally to him. Later, over the years, his love for drawing led to a reputation for excellence in portraiture. In spite of this recognition and success, he felt a great emptiness within and several personal changes set off deep questioning as to the meaning of his life. During this period, not only did he call into question his need for success and acknowledgement, but also his talent. It became a watershed in his artistic career; a new path opened and new creativity emerged. It was the beginning of his life as an initiatic artist. Guided by greater confidence in his talent and a more present spirituality, he sketched landscapes and portraits inspired by the world of fairies, reflecting his new aspirations. This experience lasted a few months and proved to be very revealing. Then, oils and acrylics became his new choice of expression. The symbiosis between his personal soul-seeking and his painting gave rise to works of great depth, which allow him to express his immense potential. With all his heart and soul, he wanted to be able to express who he really was. That was his dream, his dearest wish. Then one day, an unexpected change turned up in his life. A new association gave him access to an artistic milieu and allowed him to leave his janitor job. This new partnership was short-lived but it served as a springboard to his future career as a teacher and professional artist. Gabriell considers this synchronicity as a wonderful gift from Heaven, the unhoped for, dream opportunity he’d been waiting for years. This new motivation engenders magical inspiration, never before experienced, which has a direct, exceptional impact on his life and art. Today, Gabriell continues his path in his own workshop where, not only does he turn his talent and creative inspiration into magnificent portraits. But he also finds a new emotional way, which enables him to redefine his vision of art. His works travel throughout the world and inspire the souls of new generations to discover inner beauty through art.

Other Info:

Venue ( Address ):

Biafarin Inc. , Vancouver



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