Exhibition Type:
How many exhibition works:
- 0 - 9

Gizella Rákóczy’s painting, for many decades, was closely linked to a certain numerical system. Starting from the nuclei of four-armed spirals, she used the combinatorial method to establish a system that was translatable to the language of painting. Her paper-based tempera works and silkscreen prints, created over a span of two decades, reflect the mathematical correlations of her system theory. In parallel to the aquarelle series depicting the permutations of spiral arms, the artist maintained continued interest in another problematic: namely that of thecycle of the year, i.e.theCretan Labyrinth. In the form of the labyrinth, virtually all strands of Rákóczy’s theoretical research and system theory come together. On the possible interpretations of the quadri-segmented Cretan system, which originates from the central square of the figure, and on the cycle of the year function of the structure, the artist also authored a more extensive, scientifically-oriented publication complete with figures and illustrations. Based on her theoretical research, in 2005, Gizella Rákóczybegan to create grandiose aquarelle series composed of two, and later four, colours – of which the Vintage Gallery will be presenting some prototypes at its season opening exhibition.
Mónika Zsikla
1053, Budapest, Magyar utca 26.