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Mirrored Souls- Bobby Leash Solo Show



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Saturday, 10 October 2020 to Tuesday, 10 November 2020

Dorothy Circus Gallery London is proud to present Mirrored Souls, the first European solo show dedicated to Thai artist Bobby Leash. The exhibition will open on 10 October 2020 at our London premises, located at 35 Connaught Street, and it will be on view by appointment only, until 10 November 2020.

During the event, the last chapter of our 2020 program Mirrored Souls: The Year of Love, the artist will exhibit an original collection of 8 paintings, offering the public a further and conclusive reflection on Love and feelings, here conveyed through the extraordinary aesthetic power and technique of his artworks. 

Which challenges are you willing to face to find your soulmate? In our contemporary society becoming increasingly technological and individualistic, the artist questions the necessary difficulties and confrontations to meet - or simply recognize - an akin spirit, one of which could bring joy to our existence. In doing so, he reestablishes a connection characterized by that same Anime and Manga-inspired Japanese iconography that makes its visual representation on canvas truly strong, quivering, and painful like only genuine relationships can be. It results in a synthesis of un-lost love, difficult to maintain, in a never-ending tension between souls that are equally guided by an intimate desire of life that brings them to project their personal affections into their own relationships, in the passing hope of a joyful ending. Unlike the nature of romantic relationships regarding a partner, a family member or a friend, Leash's ability portrays the honest representation of the battle that these relationships entail, in a duel of souls that meet and repel each other, that love and reject each other. They build their relationships with tender ingenuity, an eternal childish hope to be loved even when facing the realization that, no matter how hard one tries, our needs cannot always meet the Other's; there will always be obstacles to overcome. However, faith prevailing, the title of the exhibition itself, Mirrored Souls, conveys a message of hope and expectation from the artist:

"Destiny will try to tear them apart but their determination to be together will protect them like an armor against overwhelming events. Or at least, if it has to end this way, they will surrender together instead of giving up to an empty, solitary, terrible death." 

These words offered by Leash, regarding the protagonists of his works, reminds us of the complex compositions of James Jean, surprising us for their ability to render on canvas the tridimensionality and fluidity of the virtual reality often witnessed in video games. Influenced by the '90s and early 00's Manga iconography, binary oppositions collide in Leash’s truly breath-taking portrayals of lust and the perpetual journey undertaken by so many. 

Bobby Leash has been exhibiting worldwide since 2017 and has been published on leading art magazines, such as Juxtapoz. He will display his work for the first time in Great Britain at Dorothy Circus Gallery London. 


Venue ( Address ): 

35 Connaught St. W2 2AZ, London 

Other events from Dorothy Circus Gallery

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"Altered Visions" by Paolo Pedroni | Opening Reception with Artist in attendance
Meet and Greet with Joe Sorren for his solo "Between the Wrinkles" at DCG in London
"Bewilderness" solo show by Scott Musgrove - Opening Event at DCG London


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