Exhibition Type:
How many exhibition works:
- 10 - 19

This exhibition brings together four artists, Madi Acharya-Baskerville, Hayley Harrison, Anne Parfitt and Nick Pearson, who each explore the relationship between art and the ordinary through their work with found and discarded objects and materials. “Objection” points the viewer to the opaque and shifting boundaries between art and not-art – to art’s uncertainty. Plastic bags, beachcombed wood, the ‘stuff’ people leave on pavements, and charity shop souvenirs – such everyday residue or trash, embodying past histories and cultural meanings, become vehicles in the creative process for both transformation and reflection.
Curator :
Madi Acharya-Baskerville’s practice is a synthesis of unlikely elements. Creating works that move fluidly between different media her work is concerned with the passage of time as an agent for disintegration, preservation and renewal.
Hayley Harrison’s work examines our disconnection with nature and with each other. Through the rituals of making and performing she commiserates redundant packaging and questions the anthropocentric distinctions we make between the human and non-human world.
Anne Parfitt is preoccupied with opposites, veering towards materials, processes and ideas which appear irreconcilable. She is interested in depictions of the human figure on souvenir ornaments and juxtaposes the sentimental refinement of kitsch with disparate, subversive elements.
Nick Pearson’s work starts with the choice of an object or discarded material, objedts that have fallen out of use, but which speak to him of their history and potential. Pearson’s work sometimes references art history; but is also often characteristically humorous and witty.
The Private View on 13 will feature a performance by Hayley Harrison. A ritual commiserating empty crips packets, "Home is now" navigates home as a shelter, community and ancestry while questioning our complicated relationship with nature which we have processed and objectified.
26 Lower Clapton Road, London E5 0PD