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Narbi Price: This Must Be the Place


Thursday, 11 May 2017 to Saturday, 1 July 2017
Wednesday, 10 May 2017 - 5:00pm to 8:00pm

Narbi Price’s work involves journeys to specific places that have witnessed a range of events – variously historical, famous, personal or forgotten. He researches the precise location of a chosen event, ranging from significant moments in music, film and TV, whimsical acts through to places of violence and death amongst others. Working from photographs taken at the site, he makes paintings in the studio focussing on the abstract, formal and painterly qualities of the resultant images.

This process removes the conscious choice of subject matter; he must work with whatever is present at the spot. Whilst clearly photographically derived, the paintings use the language of abstraction to simultaneously acknowledge and disrupt the representational image. The paint is transparent, opaque, glossy, matt, dilute and impasted, often within the same work.

As viewers, we are not immediately made aware of the specific histories of the sites and are given space to wonder about the multiplicities of events that might have taken place, an effect heightened by the painting method. Our experience of the work shifts as we become aware of the provenance of the depicted sites.

The exhibition sees the launch of a suite of original lithographs made in collaboration with Newcastle-based Master Printer Hole Editions. The prints feature roadside floral memorials. Stripped of their original contexts, these totemic tributes become poignant acknowledgements of lost lives and loves. ‘This Must Be the Place’ will be accompanied by a critical essay by curator Matthew Hearn.

Artist ( Description ): 

Narbi Price was born Hartlepool, UK, in 1979 and lives and works in Newcastle upon Tyne. He studied BA (hons) Fine Art at Northumbria University (1999-2002), Master of Fine Art at Newcastle University (2008-10) and is currently working on his PhD Fine Art at Newcastle University. He is featured in the recent book Vitamin P3: New Perspectives in Painting (pub. Phaidon) and was a prize winner in the John Moores Painting Prize, Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool (2012). ‘This Must Be the Place’ is his second solo exhibition for Vane, following ‘Shan’t Quit’ (2013). Recent exhibitions include ‘Semiotic Guerrilla Warfare part IV’, CHARLIE SMITH LONDON, London (2017), ‘Codeword’, PAPER, Manchester (2016), ‘Second Glances’, Michaela Helfrich Gallery, Berlin, ‘NORTH’, Newcastle Pavilion, Warrington Contemporary Arts Festival, Warrington, (2015), ‘(detail)’, H-Gallery, Bangkok, touring to Transition Gallery, London, and Usher Gallery, Lincoln, and ‘Towards A New Socio-Painting’, Transition Gallery, London (2014).

+44 (0)191 261 8281
Other Info: 

For further information or images please contact:

Christopher Yeats, Programme Manager

tel: 0191 261 8281, email:

Vane is open Wednesday-Saturday, 12-5pm during exhibitions, admission free.

Vane, First Floor, Commercial Union House, 39 Pilgrim Street, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 6QE.

T +44(0) 191 261 8281

Venue ( Address ): 

Vane was founded in 1997 in Newcastle upon Tyne in the North East of England. Vane opened a permanent gallery space in Newcastle city centre in 2005. In October 2011 Vane launched a gallery space on the first floor of Commercial Union House, 39 Pilgrim Street in the centre of Newcastle. Vane represents the work of a number of artists, both from across the UK and internationally, as well as showing the work of invited artists in collaboration with other galleries. The gallery directors are Paul Stone and Christopher Yeats. Vane is supported by Arts Council England.

Vane , Gateshead

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