Exhibition Type:
How many exhibition works:
- 20 - 29

Barbara Bachner, Gretl Bauer, Henry Biber, Leslie Ford, Philip Gerstein, Tammi Meehan,
Leah Oates, Joyce Pommer and Martin Weinstein.
Concept and Curation: Priska Juschka
Exhibition Dates: DECEMBER 5, 2024 – JANUARY 4, 2025
Press Release:
Lichtundfire is pleased to present and welcome all to the Opening Reception of
TRANSCENDING TIME, an exhibition with works in various media, painting, photography,
sculpture, and works on paper that reflect on the possibilities of removing oneself from the
context of time entirely — to a point that isn't on the timeline but is equidistant from every point in time.
For the physicist Albert Einstein, “Time and space are modes by which we think and not
conditions in which we live.” — resuming, “The distinction between the past, present and future
is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.”. Today, with the advancements of speculative Quantum
Physics, this is not as much an outlandish idea or an intellectual stretch as it was then.
Many have contemplated the Transcendence of Time. According to the Greek philosopher
Plato, considering Form- a Form is aspatial (transcendent to space) and atemporal
(transcendent to time); ‘atemporal’ here means that it does not exist within any time period,
rather it provides the formal basis for time. It, therefore, formally grounds, in his words, “beginning, persisting and ending.”
For the psychoanalyst, C.G. Jung, the Transcendent Function is a life process for the individual
— “the process of coming to terms with the unconscious”. It seems to be prevalent that “the
process of transcendence is not a partial process running a conditioned course; it is a total and
integral event in which all aspects are, or should be, included.” (C.G. Jung). This echoes Plato,
who determined, “It [form] is neither eternal in the sense of existing forever, nor mortal, of limited duration. It exists transcendent to time altogether.”
Equally, to the French philosopher Simone de Beauvoir, “All human existence is transcendence
and immanence at the same time; to go beyond itself, it must maintain itself; to thrust itself toward the future, it must integrate the past into itself.”
The Concept of Infinity seems closely linked to overcoming the Concept of Time and the
timeline we currently adhere to — such as our forebears similarly insisted that the Earth is a flat
plane before giving in to the concept of the Earth being a planet that is nowadays considered
being an Ellipsoid-. According to the observations of many, Being Human, however not exclusively- means being Form and Energy at once, and so, in summary, the deliberate and
conscious removal from an artificial timeline should lead us to infinite possibilities of experiencing the transcendence of time.
In this exhibition, the artists, with their individual techniques and distinct visual approaches to
the concept, create an opening to give us a glimpse of the possibilities that might arise by
freeing ourselves from a linear concept and immersing ourselves in the ideas of a far different constellation — that of Transcending Time.
For additional information, images, and events and to arrange an appointment, please contact
Priska Juschka at info@lichtundfire.com.
About Lichtundfire:
LICHTUNDFIRE was established in 2015 with a visual program emphasizing
nonrepresentational, conceptual, and abstract art, especially minimal, color field, geometrical,
straight edge, abstract expressionist painting, lyrical abstraction, and process work in all media,
as well as abstracted, conceptual representation.
Through its exhibitions, Lichtundfire's program is dedicated to developing and nurturing an
active, engaged, progressive, and emancipated art community that addresses cultural and
social realities as expressed through visual arts.
Beyond its carefully curated visual program, Lichtundfire seeks to actively connect with other
parts of the creative community, especially in the fields of poetry, literature, philosophy, and
Critical Theory.
Subway Stop: F/M or J/Z to Delancey & Essex Streets
Instagram: @lichtundfire and hashtag: #lichtundfire
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lichtundfire\
Lichtundfire: 175 Rivington Street NY NY 10002
Contact: Priska Juschka, info@lichtundfire.com, Tel. 917.675.7835
Gallery Hours: Wednesday – Saturday, 12 – 6 pm, or by appointment
Curator :
175 Rivington St
- 548 reads