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Opening Reception The ARTS Political




Saturday, 8 October 2016
Saturday, 8 October 2016 - 6:00pm
The Arts Political Exhibition at BridgeMakerARTS (art: Scott Anderson  © 2016)

Scott Anderson, Lucia Ippolito, Frances Jetter, Philip Lawson, Jos Sances, James Shefik, and Michelle Maren Williams
October 8 – November 5th

7 Artists synthesize, weave together different strands of the world in the light of the coming election.

Opening Reception October 8, 6-9pm

23 Maine Ave.
Richmond, CA 94804

The common expression is those who don’t know history are condemned to repeat it, but what about the equally dangerous recipe–those who repeat history are condemned to be trapped in it?

We live at a time of expiring truths. The world is dying around us. Are we standing-by repeating old slogans and shaping the world of the present with worn out concepts?

This exhibition at BridgeMakerARTS in Richmond, California, takes this moment on the verge of the 2016 Presidential elections, to reconsider where we are and where we might be headed. Artists are asked to create work that gives breathing room to take in this moment as we sit poised on the cusp of disaster, or as we sit here on the edge of a turning point towards all that we dream and all that we fear. Is this the last moment before the hammer comes down?… the dark hour before dawn?… an endless whimper? Or is it a gathering of forces for a new, better and brighter future?… the birth of utopia, or the dystopian present extended indefinitely forward?

Curated by artists Art Hazelwood and Barbosa Prince.

Join us for an evening of The Arts Political.

Artist ( Description ): 

Scott Anderson, Lucia Ippolito, Frances Jetter, Philip Lawson, Jos Sances, James Shefik, and Michelle Maren Williams

Venue ( Address ): 

23 Maine Ave.
Richmond, CA 94804

BridgeMakerARTS is a 501c non-profit operating in Richmond, CA. that serves and enriches community culture and involvement by providing public exposure to art and a means for participation in creative arts, crafts, and maker fabrication technologies.

Our goal is to provide an environment for artists and their ideas to flourish in a public space.

Our annual gallery program includes 8-10 gallery exhibitions curated by staff and guest curators. Additionally we also host a selection of community related cultural events that celebrate the diversity of the bay area.

Our program is run by the Executive Director, curatorial committee, guest curators, volunteers and interns.


BridgeMakerARTS , Richmond

Other events from BridgeMakerARTS

The Arts Political Exhibition at BridgeMakerARTS (art: Scott Anderson  © 2016)
Opening Reception The ARTS Political


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