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Saturday, 30 January 2021 to Saturday, 6 March 2021


galerie burster berlin

Christian August | Bram Braam | Jessica Buhlmann | Marta Djourina | Gary Schlingheider
Maria Schumacher | Manuel Stehli

NEW NEIGHBOURS                 30 January – 6 March 2021

We are pleased to present NEW NEIGHBOURS, the first exhibition in our new gallery space at Ludwigkirchstraße 11, 10719 Berlin-Wilmersdorf. We still have to be patient until we can open the group show to the public, but we are happy to start a new chapter now after more than six years.

NEW NEIGHBOURS brings together seven artists, some of them part of our gallery program like Christian August, Bram Bram, Marta Djourina, Gary Schlingheider and Maria Schumacher, but also new positions like Jessica Buhlmann and Manuel Stehli. All of them open up very different approaches and perspectives on abstract and figurative painting – and everything that lies before, in between and behind:

Bram Braam, who draws inspiration from the rough environment of Berlin, shows in QUARANTAINE #7 and #8 his personal view on urban facades and their fragments. His works open up a narrative about the rapid and unrestrained development of the city and, in their pictorial compositions, reveal a new perspective on architectural constructions and urban living spaces that shape our view of the city.

A view of the in-between and behind is revealed in Gary Schlingheider's FLIN FLON SMALL. Schlingheider, in whose work painting and sculpture are mutually dependent, works on canvas with monochrome surfaces that are placed both next to each other and on top of each other. In spontaneous gestures, he lets paint flow over the arrangement in the final step, separating the pictorial space, erasing, demarcating, and at the same time opening up new spaces.

What might be hidden behind superficial structures and in front of continuous grids, is revealed in Maria Schumacher's paintings. Grid-like arrangements and intersecting lines, sometimes in strictly closed, sometimes in openly dynamic arrangement, characterize Schumacher's latest works. One will search in vain for an unambiguous offer of reception in her works; rather, through the dynamic, multifaceted application of her very own methods, it seems to continually elude tangibility and thus exhibits manifold parallels to the nature of our present-day reality of life.

Like a fragile web of colored stokers and ceramic objects, Jessica Buhlmann's installation sprawls across much of the gallery space. The seemingly floating and organic arrangement stretches out before the viewer's eyes like a physically tangible three-dimensional painting in a subtle balance of tension and relaxation. In the surprising co-construction of various materials and their tension relationships, an unexpected harmony of planning and spontaneity, movement and stillness develops.

Fixing the ephemeral and making the hidden visible also preoccupies Marta Djourina. Her works are photographs that do not show the reality we perceive but look inside the camera. Sometimes the image is created by the play of light and shadow between the light source and the lens in the enlarger, sometimes folded photographic paper is exposed to different light sources and reproduces the drawing action on itself. The traces that emerge are not immediate, but abstract consequences of the interaction between light and paper. Her works reveal surprisingly painterly, abstract worlds of color that remind us that there is so much more than what we can see.


Christian August's abstract expressive color worlds move in the play of intuitively and in a fast ductus set gray tones and pastel color gradients. Just as his works are created in rapid physical movement, they also remain in motion for the viewer: his color worlds glow and bubble, diffuse, organic and alternating between loud and quiet, rough and smooth on the surface of the picture and seem so ethereal that you want to reach into the picture to try out where the color haze ends and the material begins. August consciously accepts the fact that the use of rapid gestures also means getting involved in randomness: He is interested in finding beauty in banality, despite or precisely because of spontaneity, whether in painting, his wall collages, or his inspirational field of the city.

Across facades, structures, through networks, right into the middle of worlds of color, we find ourselves in Manuel Stehli's work in an in-between that is difficult to classify. We look at and behind walls simultaneously, relationship and isolation at the same moment, bodies turn away and towards each other at the same time. His pastel color palette seems undercooled and yet warm. His figures are at rest, in the moment, in a scene that cannot be unequivocally explored, and yet they seem surprisingly present. Their beauty lies in the gentle balance of geometric forms, deliberate breaks and consistent reduction.

Until we can welcome you to our new space, all works can be found digitally on and our Artsy profile. We look forward to seeing you again soon!


Christian August (*1977 in Halle (Saale), Germany) studied at the Burg Giebichtstein Kunsthochschule Halle as a student of Gerhard Schwarz. August lives and works in Berlin.

Bram Braam (*1980 in Sittard, Netherlands) studied at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Den Bosch, Netherlands. Bram Braam is a fellow of the Mondriaan Fonds and lives in Berlin. 

Jessica Buhlmann (*1977 in Potsdam, Germany) completed her studies in 2007 as a master student at the Universität der Künste Berlin. Jessica Buhlmann lives and works in Berlin.

Marta Djourina (*1991 in Sofia, Bulgaria) finished her studies at the Universität der Künste Berlin as a master student with Prof. Christine Streuli in 2018. Marta Djourina lives and works in Berlin.

Gary Schlingheider (*1983 in Detmold) finished his studies at the Universität der Künste Berlin as a master student of Prof. Christine Streuli in 2017. He lives and works in Berlin and Ostwestfalen-Lippe.

Maria Schumacher (*1983 in Bucharest, Romania) completed her diploma studies at the Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst Leipzig, class of Heribert C. Ottersbach and Neo Rauch in 2011. Maria Schumacher lives and works in Leipzig.

Manuel Stehli (*1988 in Zurich, Switzerland) studied at Camberwell College of Arts and the Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst Leipzig. He lives and works in Berlin and Zurich.

For further information please contact Miriam Schwarz:

Venue ( Address ): 

Ludwigkirchstrasse 11

10719 Berlin


Galerie Burster , Berlin

Other events from Galerie Burster

03/13/2021 to 04/24/2021
01/30/2021 to 03/06/2021
Christian August SHINY DIRT
06/06/2020 to 07/18/2020
METRO Bram Braam
10/18/2019 to 12/20/2019



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