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Watchin´ Windows




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Thursday, 26 September 2019 to Sunday, 20 October 2019

Sebastian Häger (DE), Light collages

Artist of the gallery

Curated by Irina Ilieva

Opening: Thursday, 26. September 2019, 7-10pm, the artist is present Open: Tuesday - Saturday, 2-8pm, Sunday by appointment Exhibition: 24. September - 20. October 2019 The exhibition “Watchin´ Windows” consists of a collection of three artworks and a selection of record sleeve artworks by Berlin-based artist und curator Sebastian Häger. The first official artist to exhibit at the gallery in 2006, he has, over time, honed an unfluctuating and characteristic visual style which, in light of its special technical approach and aesthetics, is unique. His works depict the bizarre world concealed between the layers of paper utilized in his work process. By sampling and merging different image sources and, by means of analogue interventions, his works function similarly to hypertexts. Figurative elements enter into connections, they point to something that creates an enriched frame of reference and the notion of a third space, which brings about a peculiar hovering between the logically reconstructable original contexts. Häger’s works form a vortex of sorts, whose suction swallows up the consciousness of the beholder, but simultaneously regurgitates an infinite series of reflections. In their stratification, his works visualize not just the endless, empty space of perspective or the void of the unmarked space, the blankness or chaos of potential, out of which images emerge - they attempt to blur the relation between reality and illusion. Watchin', windows Wonder, if he knows What it, could be If it's, meant to be Watchin', windows Do they, know what I know? Silently, I'm away, I'm away

Curator :

Artist ( Description ): 

Sebastian Häger * 1979 lives and works in Berlin.

Between 2006 and 2009 he is part of an artist collective that artistically revived the former Kindl brewery in Neukölln. In 2015 he completed his Master of Arts at the Berlin University of the Arts (UdK). His works are regularly shown at the annual UdK tour.

From 2016 to 2018 he works as an assistant for City Culture and Art in urban space for the district of Berlin Mitte.
During this time he is also part of the artistic direction of the Bärenzwinger Lab and curator of several exhibitions. He is the current artistic project manager of the annual program "Exhibitions for a speculative audience" in the gallery white elephant. Sebastian Häger acts at the interface of artistic and curatorial practice.

Venue ( Address ): 

Auguststrasse 35, 10119 Berlin-Mitte

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