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Views: 1832
Title: Photograhpher
Country: United States
City: New York

- About -

I have always loved photography and for that reason submerged myself in the medium. I create images to express my feelings, thoughts, ideas, or simply to mirror the relationship between me and my subject. Usually, I take photographs for myself in order to explore and document my world, and to interact with people I might otherwise not meet. I specifically love making portraits because it forces both me and my subject to become intimate in just a short bit of time. Portraits afford me the opportunity to explore parts my subject’s personality and/or identity and, ultimately, they allow me to tell a story." Zie Otto (Art-Mine) Zie Otto's images, notably his portraits have captured the beauty and chaos of his subjects personalities.
For questions and inquiries about purchasing prints please contact Agora Gallery Chelsea. or for general inquiries. For Licensing and rights request please contact Josef at The Licensing Project.The Licensing Project.424 Broadway #401-402New York, NY 10013 Tel: +1 212 343 8600